What You'd Find in a South Side Dining Room Circa 1970

Drawing at the table on stacks and stacks of loose-leaf notebook paper
               Wouldn’t use the back
               Made a mark
               Maybe two
               Got another sheet
Saying stop wasting that paper
Aunt Jackie:
Telling mama she’s an artist
               Giving me more
Not turquoise, not green, green city apartment paint
               No chips though lead was there
               Archway doors and cookies
Flying saucer disc chandelier
               A cord pulling down releasing up
Dark ugly area rug
               Hardwood floors peeking around the edges
Black and White
               TV on a rolling cart
               TV Guide from the Sunday paper on the bottom shelf
               News of Viet Nam whatever that was
Copper Color salt and pepper shakers
Too many napkins folded in a woven holder
Real fruit in a bowl
               In voices
               In eyes
               In the air
A quiet struggle I wouldn’t know ‘til later.